""OLDBOYS" opowiada o pracownikach Telewizji Polskiej, których zajęcia, choć w tym medium niezwykle potrzebne, nie kojarzą się blichtrem i reprezentacyjnością właściwą dla szklanego ekranu. To ludzie zaplecza, często świetni fachowcy w swoich dziedzinach. Bez ich ciężkiej pracy trudno byłoby osiągnąć efekt prezentowany na wizji. Przez lata zbudowali sobie renomę i wykształcili doświadczenie, które praktycznie jest nie do zastąpienia, na swoich stanowiskach pracują długie lata. Byli przez ten czas świadkami wielokrotnej wymiany kadry kierowniczej, zmiany estetyki i priorytetów w funkcjonowaniu telewizji, tym samym są po prostu bezcennymi świadkami jej transformacji. Ich zajęcia łączą ze sobą dwa pozornie trudno zestawialne światy; ten zza kamery i ten z sprzed kamery, czyniąc z nich swego rodzaju pomosty pomiędzy tym co realistyczne, a tym co wykreowane.
Founded in 1953, Telewizja Polska is the first and at the same time the oldest television station in Poland. Since 1993, the legal status of the broadcaster has been defined by the Broadcasting Act, according to which Telewizja Polska is obliged to fulfill "its public mission by offering a variety of programs and other services in the field of information, journalism, culture, entertainment, education, and sport, characterized by pluralism, impartiality, balance, and independence, as well as innovation, high quality, and integrity of the message." Over 70 years, television has changed its priorities, the main reason for this being changes in government.
OLDBOYS tells the story of people working for Polish Television whose jobs, although extremely necessary in this medium, are not associated with the glitz and the glamour of the glass screen. They are the people behind the scenes, sometimes great experts, and great artists in their fields. Without their hard work, it would be difficult to achieve the net result presented behind the camera. Through their hard work, they have built up a reputation and acquired a level of competencies that is virtually irreplaceable. They have worked in their professions for many years. The OLDBOYS have witnessed the change in management, the change of work culture, and the priorities of how the television works. Furthermore, the OLDBOYS are the biggest witnesses of the transformation of the culture of Polish Television. Each of their roles combines two seemingly incompatible worlds: the one behind the camera and the other in front of the camera, making them a kind of bridge between the real and the created.